Sunday, March 8, 2009

One of My Quirks

Since I have been reading lately about some of your quirks (Julie's obsession with red and Connie's food not being able to touch) I thought I would share one of my quirks with all of you. For any of you who know me well, you will already know this. When we have had weekend shopping, there are many people I can't sleep with. (You know who you are , pulling the blankets off the bed, messing everything up and rolling up in a ball - How awful.) My biggest obsession is my bed. It doesn't matter how poor I get, I will always have a great bed. It's not so much the bed itself, but the bedding. My sheets have to be very good quality egyptian cotton, a very fluffy down comforter, big fluffy feather pillows and everything has to be tucked, straight and NO WRINKLES. If for some reason the bed gets pulled apart in the middle of the night I will actually get out of bed and re-tuck the sheets and straighten the bed. I can't stand it when the sheets are untucked. My wonderful husband from time to time will think he is funny and right after I get all snuggled in bed he will pull the sheet out from the bottom of the bed and laugh. What a sense of humor. Here is my bed - I love it.

This is my fluffy feather pillow. It is actually two feather pillows in one pillow case. My grandmother made me feather pillows for Christmas when I was 12 ( I am sure at that age I really didn't appreciate them, but, now they are like gold) and I know you are supposed to get new pillows frequently - there is no way I will ever be without this pillow. I forgot it at a hotel (yes, I take it on trips) and had to have it shipped back. Major panic attack when I realized I forgot it.

And, of course, an essential element in the winter - a heated mattress pad. We turn it on before we go to bed so when you crawl into bed it is warm and wonderful. Just perfect since I am always cold. In summer, however, the best feeling in the world is to take a shower right before you go to bed, freshly shaven and clean and get into bed right after you take the sheets off the clotheslines. Nothing better. A little heaven on earth!
Now that isn't that weird - Is it?


jules said...

None of that is weird, I am the same way. I can't sleep with anyone who messes the bed either. when us girls go on trips, Patti and I always sleep together cause she is the same way. I know an "untucker"....Sue R. If you're reading this Sue, come on and admit it.

Love the ear plugs, gotta have those too.

Photos by Julee said...

Jules - I know Sue R. is like that. She was the one I was thinking of when I was typing. Sorry Sue. Lorin wanted me to take out the ear plugs. I told him I need them and was leaving them in the photo. I wanted to see who would notice.

Anonymous said...

I can't help it. My feet need to breath!!!!!

Connie said...

I am a tucked in person too, if for some reason the bed doesn't get made in the morning (John was still in it when I left) I have to make it before I get in it, it drives him crazy. I've never had anyone untuck the sheets on purpose, wow that's crazy.

I laughed at the earplugs.... why do you have them, my mind went totally int he gutter with them :)

Nice bed, now I want a new bed even worse than before.


Photos by Julee said...

Hey Connie - Get your mind out of the gutter. Lorin used to snore all the time. So to be able to sleep in my bed I wore ear plugs. They helped, but I still slept on the couch a lot. He now has a thingy he puts in his mouth and he no longer snores - BUT I still can't sleep without the ear plugs. I guess that's another quirk.

Deb said...

Sorry guys but I'm with Sue. An "untucker" forever. We need to stick together Sue! I think the rest of you need some therapy for this obsession.

Anonymous said...

I think you all are weird! :) I sleep wherever and however my tired body falls at the end of the day. Sheets in or out, tucked or untucked. Guess it all depends on how the morning goes as far as Pickles cooperating to allow me to make my bed. There is always so much drama in the morning. Obviously you can see that in Nana's photos. Anyway, as long as I have a bed, sheet, blanket, and my pillow.....I am good to go.

Heather :)

Anonymous said...

Sheets sheets and more sheets. Read the pioneer woman. Funny

Patti said...

I am the tucker of all tuckers. Chris get so mad at me cuz if the covers are crooked on his side, when we are in it mind you, that I will reach on his side and straighten them! I have tried to get better on this as the years pass. I also do as Connie says, If the bed is not made in the AM I make it right B4 I get in!

Lynn said...

Oh my gosh. This totally cracks me up!! My favorite is when the bed is unmade!! I love to crawl in an unmade bed... it feels so much more snugglier (is that a word?)!! Jesse must be a tucker though because when he makes the bed I have a hard time crawling in because everything is stretched so tight... when I make it I just toss the blankets up and make it look I like made it.

I totally noticed the ear plugs too and giggled!!

Tammi (Mrs. B) said...

Your mother introduced me to feather pillows when I was a kid. I'd love staying at your house or in your camper -- you guys had the best pillows. Your Mom gave me my first feather pillow (Jacob now uses it-- it is flatter than flat, but he loves it and takes it with him when he sleeps away from home). I've had my current feather pillow for years (good ones are hard to find- I have several others on my bed that don’t measure up. And yup I too take it on trips - can't leave home without it! It just takes one good squeeze and I can pick "mine" out of a stack of pillows and from little on both of my kids could also pick "MY" pillow out of the stack on my bed. They all try stealing "MY" pillow! -- We differ on the sheet quirk, I was never a bed maker until I married Bob, his rule last one out of bed makes it and you don't leave the room until it's made! I'm not a morning person and this new rule of marriage sometimes gets ME up early so he has to make the bed!! :)

Anonymous said...

What about the closet door Mom?? She can't go to sleep with the closet doors open either...weird....

And the pet peeve that comes in a close second is pulling on her socks when she sitting on the couch. She can't stand when her socks are half off. Of course, knowing this, Dad, Heather and I have NEVER done it....hehe
