Thursday, August 27, 2009

Here We Go Again

OK - First, this picture has nothing to do with my post today, but I thought is was cheerful and we can all use a little cheer in our lives and I don't like to post without a picture.

Well they say God only gives you what you can handle...... But, I think I'm at my limit. As all of you know last Monday was a very stressful, scary day. Lorin had his reaction to the anesthesia/meds and Heather had surgery on her tonsils/adenoids. Good News - Lorin is back to normal. Heather, on the other hand, has been struggling. The first few days weren't too bad. She had pain, but she kept drinking, getting rest and meds were keeping it under control. By last Friday, the pain had continued and she was not doing well at all. The weekend brought a lot of pain, discomfort...... and tears. She really wasn't sure it was worth it to have then removed. When she called the doctor they said day 3 through 8 are always the worst and there really isn't anything they can do other than tough it out. By Monday and Tuesday she started feeling a little better again. Wednesday she was feeling pretty good so we went to Grandma/Grandpas house for lunch. She had Aubree's kindergarten orientation that evening. While there she noticed blood in her mouth. Long story short - Morgan took her to emergency here in Medford. They took her by ambulance to Wausau and she was back in surgery. They had to re-cauterize her throat. (A spot came off and it was right where a blood vessel was and every time her heart would beat it would pulse blood.) They also pumped her stomach - which had lots of blood in it, gave her lots of IV fluids - and about midnight we were all back home. She is resting here today and they said it will be a spike in pain again, but it shouldn't set her back that far. So any extra prayers you have are always appreciated. I really don't want to ask "What next?" I'm afraid of the answer.


Rita said...

I am putting her on St. Paul's prayer list right now. I know God is listening to us, but a few more prayers won't hurt. Take care all--Heather, wrap that shawl around a little tighter!!

jules said...

tear :-(

Deb said...

After we talked the other day I've been wondering if her days were getting better. Maybe that is why her pain was so intense. Praying for her.

Megan Lynn said...

I am praying for her! If I wouldn't have been on another ambulance call I would have been right there with her on the way to wausau! Wish I could have been there with you Heather, fell better!!

Connie said...

I hope by now Heather is feeling better, it's never good being sick and trying to be a busy Mom too. Worse yet is being a Mom with a sick child, know matter how old they are.
