Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bed Head

I have to post twice tonite..... this first post is Pickles head this morning. A couple months ago Julie posted the back of her head one morning and it looked a little like this. Pickles had a sleepover at Nana and Papa's house last night and when she woke up her hair looked like this and I immediately thought of Julie's post. When she fell asleep she still had her pigtails in and when she woke up this morning, this is what she looked like. I'm glad I was able to send her home and let Heather deal with this "bedhead". I wonder what she found in there? What did she do when she was sleeping last night?


jules said...

Awwwwww....that's not too bad.

How DOES that happen?

Stacey said...

Looks a lot like my hair in the mornings!